horswash.txt The sun shone bright and blinding on the green outside, but in the barn it was cool and warm. She lead the horse in from the blur outside, through the rough grey door into the smell of fresh hay. Each step echoed through the empty building, as the hollow floorboards resonated with the heavy footfalls of the fine animal. Her body was lean and tan, strong muscular thighs showing well under the tight denim cutoffs that exhibited her tight ass. Barefoot, she brought the hose from its place in the corner, each step kicking up thousands of tiny motes of dust in the hay that shone in the bright beams of light peering through the cracks in the walls. She carefully worked her way over the back of the animal, scrubbing hard with a stuff brush against the soft and wet hair. Her own back showed well beneath the tank top she wore, its firm muscles rippling below the surface of her tan skin. Firmly she brushed out the mane of the beautiful animal, scrubbing hard against the tough skin below the wet coat of fur. Short sprays of water flew through the air, shining briefly in the short stripes of sunlight and wetting her shirt and face. She threw back her hair and laughed, her freckled face gleaming with delight at the sheer enjoyment. Her tight nipples showed through the wet tank top, red and pointed, with tiny nipples over the small swellings of her chest. The horse stood, tossing back its own mane and scattering more of the tiny droplets across her face. Bending down, she began to massage the chest of the fine animal. The slick wet hair clung to the lean and muscular body, as she slowly worked her way down the chest. Running her fingers over the cock of the huge animal, her body shivered in a moment of thought. It was large and tender; the balls covered with a soft downy fur reminded her almost of a kitten in their shape and size, but massaging them she felt them grow larger and firmer. She sat on the ground in a lotus position under the massive animal, running her long and thin fingers across its chest. The huge cock was fastened to the body with a small fold of skin, clamping it tight to the chest. Her tiny hands ran artfully across the organ, the slick soap foaming and dripping into her lap. Slowly, slowly, she cupped the testes into her large hand, holding them firmly as the animal began to wriggle and buck. The cock was enormous by this time, so large that she could barely fit the enormous glans into her open mouth. She ran her tongue over it, and withdrawing her mouth began to lick the huge pipe up and down, lapping it as if she was licking something off its side. Finally she could stand it no longer. The horse was slowly bucking, the body tossing up into the air, sending tiny ripples across the muscles of the back. The black horse was quiet and well-behaved, as if it were biding its time. They both knew what would come next, having both performed the task many times. She withdrew the small stool from the table nearby, sitting it down under the dripping chest. Sliding out of the tiny shorts, she placed her firm, white rear upon it, bending her chest back under that of the animal. Her small teats shone, as the cool water dripped upon the wet shirt she wore, the nipples ever visible through the loose fabric. She spread her legs underneath the huge black cock, the pink slit between them visible under the wispy blonde hairs that shone with dew. Tiny droplets slid from between her waiting thighs and slid down her leg. Slowly, she began to rub her clit against the massive cock which grew larger, and with one hand steadying her against the shining black flank of the animal, her other hand slowly forced the huge organ, inch, by inch, into her waiting slit. The muscles about the pink folds of skin relaxed, opening and engulfing the massive cock as it had done so many times before. It had taken many tries to stretch them out enough so that they could accept such a cargo, her face tight and drawn as she pressed her cheek against the fur of the chest above her, but with time her body had learned to well handle what her mind desired. The huge body above her began to buck, rocking in a slow and regular rhythm as it tried to pump its enormous cock into the still-slender wedge of her pussy. It reared up for a moment, forcing her up into the air as she clung with both hands for dear life, feeling her body full and more than complete. Her clit briskly rubbed against the wet and now sweaty fur above her, the musky scent of her slender body mingling with the sweet and pungent horse smell that permeated every pore of her body. Faster and faster the animal rocked above her, as she moaned and sighed with every movement against her body. Her head reared back, her mouth open, screaming, as every muscle in her body, tensed to the breaking point, began to slowly contract over and over and over again, under no control of her own. She gave herself up to the rhythm, which lasted a seeming eternity. Finally, rearing back for one final stroke, the massive animal tossed its front legs into the air as the cock forced its way out of her body by sheer force of the powerful spray, splattering the sticky white fluid across her thighs and chest in spurts. She slid off the tiny stool and lay in the hay, sore in every muscle, but enjoying the delicious flavour of the lethargy that gripped her body.